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What to do if your e-cigarette gets wet?

E-liquid News

If your e-cigarette accidentally gets wet, don't panic, as there are ways to "bring it back to life". It is important to take action quickly to avoid damaging the e-cigarette or causing harm to your health.

Firstly, if the e-cigarette gets wet, it should be immediately removed from the water to reduce the amount of water in the device. Water can cause the circuit board to short circuit, leading to the entire circuit being burnt out. Then, the various components of the e-cigarette should be dismantled, separating the cartridge from the device to prevent the electrodes from touching and causing a short circuit, and gently dried with a dry towel or absorbent tissue.

What to do if your e-cigarette gets wet? - Zinwi

Next, if a hair dryer is available, the inside of the device should be dried with the cold air setting to avoid damaging the circuit board. If there is no hair dryer, the pipe can be dried using tissue paper and hand shaking, or the various components of the e-cigarette can be placed in a well-ventilated and dry place, avoiding direct sunlight to prevent damage to the device. After the device has been left to sit for a few minutes, make sure the device is completely dry before moving on to the next step.

After all the components have been completely dried, the e-cigarette can be reassembled and tested to see if the device is working normally. Install the cartridge back onto the device and observe if the indicator light changes normally. Generally, the indicator light should be white after replacing the cartridge. If a red light appears or the light does not come on, there may be a problem. Before attempting to smoke, check that the device can be pulled normally. If the indicator light is normal and the device can be pulled, then the device is undamaged. If the indicator light turns red and the device cannot be pulled, then the circuit board inside the device may have short-circuited due to water damage.

If the e-cigarette cannot be used normally, try replacing the cartridge and test if the device is working normally. - Zinwi

If the e-cigarette cannot be used normally, try replacing the cartridge and test if the device is working normally. If the device has been damaged by water, contact customer service for assistance.

In summary, getting water in your e-cigarette is a troublesome issue, but with the right measures, some losses can still be salvaged.

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