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What are the differences between electronic cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?

E-liquid News

Firstly, there is a significant difference in the smoke generated by e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes.

The difference between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes lies in the way the smoke is produced and their chemical composition. Cigarettes produce smoke by burning tobacco, which contains thousands of chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine. In contrast, e-cigarettes use an electronic liquid that is heated and evaporated in the e-cigarette atomizer to form vapor. The chemical composition of the smoke generated by e-cigarettes is relatively low and generally contains only nicotine, glycerin, and flavorings.

What are the differences between electronic cigarettes and traditional cigarettes? - Zinwi

Secondly, there is a significant difference in taste between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes.

Cigarettes have a relatively simple taste, which is essentially the taste of tobacco. Some brands of cigarettes may contain flavorings such as mint. In contrast, e-cigarettes have thousands of flavor options to choose from. However, after the implementation of the new national standard for e-cigarettes in 2022, only tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes are allowed to be sold.

Finally, the cost of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes is also different.

The unit price of cigarettes varies from a few yuan to several hundred yuan. Everyone's smoking habits and brand choices are different, so the cost of use will also fluctuate. The cost of e-cigarettes mainly comes from the cost of purchasing equipment and e-liquid, which is relatively fixed.

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